Timothy Hyman has made a reputation for himself as a champion of narrative painting through his art, his writing and lecturing, and through exhibitions he conceived and organised. Less strident than many, much more thoughtful than most, surely the most literate of writers on art (his perceptions come to us in verbal forms that live on) …
Norbert Lynton, Recent Work (1990, Austin/Desmond Fine Art)
This bibliography, compiled by David Smith from an initial list kept by TH and updated as work on it proceeds, gives the titles and sources of essays and reviews, together with the month, year and volume (where relevant) of publication. Some entries also carry a brief note with additional information. The bibliography includes TH’s seven books, namely: Bonnard (1998), Bhupen Khakhar (1998), Sienese Painting (2003), A Book of Emblems (2009), Fifty Drawings (2010), A Year with Maggie’s (2015) and The World New Made (2016).
The full list numbers over 250 entries. Books apart, highlights include essays or articles on: abstraction and figurative painting; the Narrative Paintings exhibition; John Cowper Powys; film; India and Indian art; Early English art; Domenico Tiepolo; Goya; the English satirists and caricaturists; Blake; Daumier; Cézanne; Vuillard; Ensor; Balthus; Beckmann; Bonnard; Stanley Spencer; Herman; Kitaj; carnival and the grotesque; outsider art; the city (London, Siena …). A New Space for the Self (1982) is of particular note, as are, of course, the interviews.
The current version (vn14) is embedded below. The PDF is also available to open here or to download, as is a separate, shorter list of the highlights noted above.